Watching the Detectives.....................

Monday, 30 May 2011

Police "lifestyle" guide condemned as waste of money

Photograph of the Author

By Lauren Pyrah

A CAMPAIGN group has condemned a “lifestyle guide” issued to police officers suggesting bedtime routines and healthy eating options, describing it as a pointless waste of money. 

The guides issued by Durham Police suggest officers help partners with the housework, advise that too much liquid before bedtime will increase the need for sleep-disrupting bathroom trips, and gives recommendations on the best sandwich fillings. 

About half of UK forces said in a survey they have issued similar guides, which they say aim to ensure the health and wellbeing of officers. 

But critics have dismissed the guides as a waste of taxpayers’ money and an example of the “nanny state”. 

The guide tells officers “not to expect your wife to do the chores” and to “make dates with your spouse”. 

It also advises on healthy eating, suggesting officers bring sandwiches to work with fillings including peanut butter with grated apple, and tuna and sweetcorn, and recommends snacks such as flapjack, nuts and boiled eggs. 

The guide tells staff: “If you make sandwiches the night before, wrap them up and keep them in the fridge.” 

It also includes a 16-page shift survival guide, which reminds staff of the need to have outside hobbies and relaxation time. 

It proposes a bedtime routine, such as a hot bath followed by reading or listening to music, and adds: “Ensure your mattress and pillows are comfortable and supportive.” 

It says: “Try to restrict fluids to prevent visits to the bathroom, although it has to be acknowledged that some people like to have a milky drink prior to bedtime to help soothe them.” 

Last night, campaign group the TaxPayers’ Alliance told The Northern Echo much of the guide was simply common sense – something police officers had in abundance. 

Charlotte Linacre, campaign manager at the pressure group, said: “These guides are ridiculous. Coppers don’t need the nanny state tucking them in at night. 

“Police officers use common sense to make decisions in their job, they evidently don’t need advice from back office bureaucrats on whether to take a bath or have a cup of cocoa.” 

But a spokesman for Durham Police said: “Our officers and staff are our greatest asset and, as such, we have a responsibility to protect them and promote their wellbeing. 

“It makes good sense to provide staff with advice and support to enable them to function effectively while maintaining a good work-life balance 

Monday 30th May 2011

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