Watching the Detectives.....................

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Act calling authorities to account

GRAHAM Smith, director of freedom of information at the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), explains how the Act is making public authorities more accountable: Since the Freedom of Information Act came into force in January 2005 interest in how public authorities operate has been on an upward spiral, and the relationship between people in the UK and the public authorities that serve them has transformed. 

Public authorities are now more accountable for how taxpayers’ money is spent. 

Thanks to the Act the public has found out all sorts of interesting and useful information, ranging from the costs of major transport projects, such as the second runway at Stansted Airport, to more local issues such as the amount of fines raised from speed cameras in their area. 

The Freedom of Information Act gives you the right to access official information held by any public body; national or local. 

This includes government departments, local authorities; schools and colleges, NHS trusts, GPs and dentists, as well as police forces. 

To find out more about the Act, visit the ICO website at The website includes information on how to make an FOI request and what you should expect once this has been done. 

Tuesday 31st May 2011

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