Watching the Detectives.....................

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Police 'screen out' crimes that are too hard to solve

Police are "screening out" at least one in three crimes after deciding there is little chance of solving them.

Police tape at the scene of a crime
West Yorkshire Police took no further action after initial contact in almost 90,000 offences last year - 45 per cent of all crimes Photo: PA

Hundreds of thousands of offences are being marked down as requiring “no further investigation”, including even sexual assaults and other violent attacks.
The Metropolitan Police alone screened out 361,180 incidents last year – more than four in ten of all offences reported.
Figures yesterday showed police in Devon and Cornwall elected to take no further action in more than 30,000 crimes in 2010 – some 35 per cent of recorded offences.
And West Yorkshire Police took no further action after initial contact in almost 90,000 offences last year – 45 per cent of all crimes.
While the reported offences are included in official crime statistics it means no concerted effort is made to investigate further, mainly because officers believe the culprit will not be found. 

One MP last night warned crimes are being “consigned to oblivion” and questioned whether police were too ready to write off investigations in order to ease already stretched resources.

Devon and Cornwall police ruled there were little chance of solving 30,511 offences last year, a 12 per cent rise in two years.

It meant around 35 per cent of the 87,095 crimes recorded by the force were logged as “not for further investigation' after one initial assessment, according to a Freedom of Information request.

Crimes disregarded included 362 sexual offences – or one in five – 1,000 assaults, more than 10,000 incidents of criminal damage and more than 3,000 thefts from vehicles.

Geoffrey Cox, the Tory MP for Torridge and West Devon MP Geoffrey Cox said it was a concern that such an "exceedingly large number of crimes are consigned to oblivion at a stage where no investigation has been conducted at all".

He warned there was "a victim behind every figure", and he had particular concerns over the rate of sex offences that had been ignored.

"It is a clearly common complaint from constituents that the police tell them there is no practical point in any investigation,” he said.

"It always leaves people with a sense of helplessness and frustration, and doesn't do the reputation of the police or the criminal justice system as a whole any good.

"I hope the police are scrutinising these cases to ensure that they are being properly categorised, because there is nothing more frustrating for a member of the public to be told that the police aren't even bothering to investigate their complaint.

"It does beg the question whether in borderline cases, particularly at a time of financial constraint, the police are devoting the necessary time and effort to assess whether there could be a favourable outcome."

In its Freedom of Information Act response, the force said: "Investigation of a reported crime starts immediately within our call handling centre.

"Those crimes, where there is viable potential for a positive outcome will be allocated for further investigation.

"Where there is little potential for such an outcome, victims will be informed at the earliest opportunity and offered crime prevention advice and the services of Victim Support."

At the beginning of the month Devon and Cornwall Chief Constable Stephen Otter announced there were plans to cut 700 police officers from the forces total of 3,500 as part of £47m of savings over four years.

Figures from Scotland Yard show officers “screened out” 361,180 incidents last year – 43 per cent of the 824,495 reported.

They included 20,443 violent crimes, including 61 attacks with offensive weapons, 236 sexual offences and 5,420 robberies.

A Met spokesman insisted all serious sex and violent offences would be investigated further while other crimes would be initially screened to see if they are "considered to be detectable or potentially detectable".

West Yorkshire Police filed 89,774 crimes as “at first contact” last year – some 45 per cent of 197,096.

The force insisted it does not “screen in or screen out” crimes and all reported offences undergo an initial assessment to establish the evidence in relation to the allegation.

Figures in 2009 showed a total of 1.5 million crimes were screened out by police around England and Wales, the equivalent of one in three.

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